Highlight Topics: Trust and Safety in Artificial Intelligence

Trust and Safety in Artificial Intelligence - Solving Challenges in Mobility 

This year, the summer school will turn the spot onto the topic of trust and safety in artificial intelligence, a broad field of discussion and growing relevance at the crossroads of technology, psachology, product safety, law, economics, and ethics. We will look into it with a special emphasis on challenges and opportunities for applications of AI in mobility.
What is trust? What creates and influences trust in a system? How must a technical system or product be designed to be trustworthy? What contribution do we require from trustworthy semiconductors and AI accelerators? Will AI contiue to drive growth for semicondcutor designers and fabs? How do we extend concepts of product quality and safety when introducing machine learning algorithms? What is SafeAI after all and how do we verify and validate reliable performance of neural networks? How can we prove algorithmic behaviour in safety-critical systems? What measures need to be taken in coporate processes to ensure trust and safety in AI-powered approaches? What challenes ne to be expected in governance and oversight? How are next generation mobile communications and new space technologies and business models benefitting from and relying on AI? 
Join us for a week of technical deep dives and multi-disciplinary debate.




Frauenwörth Monastery, Fraueninsel on lake Chiemsee, Bavaria, Germany
JUNE 30 TO JULY 05, 2024.

The final program is here for download - please check back regularly for updates.


We will be holding the annual BMW Summer School  June 30 - July 05, 2024 (allowing for travel days on  June 28/29 and July 05/06/07) at Fraueninsel on lake Chiemsee - in pitoresque landscape, with the bavarian alpine upland and the former regal castles in close proximity.

The local organizing committe is chaired by Prof. Jérôme Härri of EURECOM and Axel Honsdorf of BayFrance.


We are soliciting original contributions from international PhD students and young researchers with a keen interest in shaping the future of individual mobility. The BMW Summer School is encouraging multi-disciplinary discussion and hence is calling for contributions from all fields – from computer science to electrical engineering, from economics to legal, from sociology to psychology and philosophy.

Contributions will be as single poster to be presented during the summer school. Submissions are required to be full poster submissions. The poster, a 1-page description of your research activities, a letter of motivation, together with a short CV (including list of publications and/or academic achievements) is to be submitted to Easychair.

Extended Submission Deadline due to popular request: official registration for posters was closed on May 10th, 2024. and acceptance notifications sent on May 24, 2024. However, a number of resubmission requests have been granted for posters that failed the review threshold, hence for reasons of tranparency and fairness we are keeping the submission open for everyone until final re-submission deadline of May 31st, 2024. For travel support and conference fee waiver grants, however, it still will be first come, first serve.

In case of acceptance, you will be contacted with further instructions on how to upload the camera ready version of your poster, that will be included in the summer school proceedings.

Acceptance Notification: Acceptance notifications have been sent out on May 24th, 2024 - in cases of doubt please contact the organizers: summerschool@bmwgroup.com

Page Overview: BMW Summer School 2024